Ronald C. Alexander, 4763 N Lombard Street, Portland, OR 97203 Cell: (503) 913-1624 email:

Retired, but still available! Over 30 years experience (1972-2004) testing 
advanced systems, hardware and software, embedded real time data acquisition 
systems, database management systems, and network applications with IBM, 
Microsoft, UNIX, Novell, and VAX. Extensive experience introducing CASE 
tools, staying abreast of technological advances such as object oriented 
programming languages, and Graphical User Interface environments.

Experienced coordinating small groups in programming and system design,
test for installation of hardware and software, and troubleshooting and
repair of digital equipment.

Professional Interests:

Real-Time software. Structured software. Applied mathematics.
Instrument data. Hardware. Embedded systems. Telemetry.

Senior Member IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Physics. Charter member International
Test and Evaluation Association, and IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine


1991-2004 >>> US Food and Drug Administration, Los Angeles District Office:
Engineering specialist for Food and Drug Administration throughout Pacific
Basin. Evaluate Medical Device manufacturer corrective actions. Recommend
acceptance of effective quality control and failure evaluation plans.
Independent inspections of x-ray and linear accellerator manufacturing.
Joint inspections with Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Joint evaluations
with Federal Communications Commission. Audit performance of State-Federal
clinical use testing by health physicists. Evaluate State and County
radiological emergency response.

1985-1990 >>> BITE Corp. / Northrop Precision Products Division -1989 /
General Electric Ordnance Systems -1987: Design embedded software for
missile navigation and guidance. Hardware-in-loop testing. Evaluate
multi-processor distributed control. Analyse flight telemetry. Represent
design team to site tests. Kalman Filter techniques. Implement concepts
to software modules. Guide transition from Fortran to Ada, and from Draper
list processors to Mil-Std-1750. Assure compliance with Military Quality
Assurance Standards. Intermediate designs delivered in Jovial, BASIC, and C.

1984-1985 >>> Intel Oregon Site Systems Manufacture: Introduce statistical
quality control for integrated systems products. Design and implement
Factory Information System. Specify factory data acquisition. Lead adoption
of structured software design methodology. Manage integrated systems quality
control team. Evaluate and correct C compiler and console processor for
Xenix. Assist in teaching C for test engineering. Deliverables in C, BASIC,
COBOL, Pascal, Jovial, and FORTRAN, as well as 80x86 assembler.

1980-1983 >>> Harry Diamond Defense Electronics Nuclear Effects Lab / Naval
Undersea War Engineering Station -1982: Radiation Hardened Electronic
Technology. Radiation Effects Evaluation. Test systems management.
Structured software design. System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA.)
Distributed Automatic Test. Automated fault isolation. Critical Path Methods.
Graphics directed Diagnostics. Telediagnosis. MS-DOS and CP/M drivers
delivered in Z80A/B assembler.

Prior experience upon request.

Keywords >>> Real-time control. In-circuit simulation. Verification-
Validation. Robust adaptive control. Object oriented design. Strapdown
navigation. State machine. Kalman filter. Hybrid. Embedded. State machine.
Telediagnosis. // C++; Java; Ada; VisualBASIC / Fortran; COBOL; JOVIAL;
PL1; Algol // Windows95; DOS; CPM; VRTX / VMS; UNIX; IBM370 // Pentium;
80x86; 80387; 8008; 4004 / 68000; 6809; Z80; 6502 / Draper; Mil-Std-1750;
Tektronics // Trident2; Peacekeeper; F14; B1B; B2; GPS; Smart Munitions


1982 Graduate Research Fuzzy Machines
1980 Research Fellowship/Optical Computers
1979 Bachelor of Science in EE/Computers (3.8/4.0)
1978 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (3.2/4.0)
1975 Navy Nuclear Power Engineering (12th of 500+)
1971 Associate of Science in Applied Physics (2.9/4.0)

Certification and licensing:

1992 Radiological Health Auditor
1983 Ship Radar Radio Operator
1982 Electrical Engineer in Training
1979 Eta Kappa Nu Electical Engineering Honor Society
1975 Navy Engineering Laboratory Technician


©cover letter